Survival Tips for Couples during COVID-19

We’re all dealing with the uncertainty that comes along with these COVID-19 times. One thing that hasn’t changed, how important your relationship is to you. Are you feeling extra stressed, finding yourself spending too much time together, or just need a break? We all are, and that’s why we’re giving you easy couples survival tips during COVID-19 and tools on how to survive COVID-19 as a couple.

Permission is a beautiful thing, and so are you and your relationship. That’s why it’s time to give yourself permission to feel annoyed, irritated, frustrated, bored, and so much more. It’s also time to acknowledge your partner might feel the same. And if either of you or both of you do, it’s okay! It’s normal to have these feelings come up in this or other situations in relationships, and all we’d ask is that you deal with these emotions and times appropriately. In fact, we’ve got some good ideas on how to do so below.

Rituals are when couples do things consistently the same way each time. An easy thing to do in order to adapt to COVID-19 is to create new rituals or modify old ones. 

We’ve moved from meeting clients in the office to HIPAA compliant video chats. It’s great, but I miss my commute to decompress. My partner still has her commute to decompress because she’s essential…and that’s why as soon as I close my computer both her and I know I’m going to use the next 20-30 minutes to watch videos or scroll Facebook while she does her own thing. Just like ours, making a small tweak to an existing ritual is a great modification.

Looking for new rituals? Easy! Figure out what you want out of your ritual and find ways to get there. My partner and I knew we’d have more than enough time to watch new shows, and so we wanted to make sure we watched what we’d enjoy, while learning more about each other. Now we’ll binge a show, pause in between segments to talk about what we think will happen, what we want to have happen, and which characters we’re rooting for and which ones we’re not. Then, it’s back to more show! 

As you saw, modifying existing rituals and creating new ones isn’t so tough. It’s about getting out of it what you want.

Playfulness and fun should always be an important part of your relationship. But I get it. Lately it’s easy to feel distant, bored, and unfocused. I don’t know what day of quarantine this is because they seem to all blend together. And yet, now you have the time to spend with your partner and so many fun ways to connect during this time.

Scavenger hunt

The rules are simple. For each of the following five items, each partner will find their own answer and share why they chose what they did.

  1. Choose a song that reminds you of us.
  2. Find an object that reminds you of the earlier parts of our relationship
  3. Find an object that reminds you of me
  4. Pull up a map and find a place that you feel is significant to our relationship
  5. Go to the kitchen. If your partner was an object in the kitchen what would they be?

Build a dream

Dreams are lovely, important, and a part of who we are. Couples that share and meet each other’s dreams are stronger. For this activity, you’ll want to ask each other about your dreams and goals for the next month, year, and 5 years. Your dreams could be related to your family, work, retirement, travel, and anything else you think of.

What did I tell ya?

I told you that beating COVID-19 as a couple could be easy and that we’d help you through it. Whether you recognize how normal you and your partner’s feelings during these times are, create new or modify existing rituals and traditions, or have fun while playing and connecting, you’ve got this!

Still need help?

I get it, sometimes it’s harder to connect and get through things and that’s why we’ve got you covered. If you are struggling and need support I’m glad you’re reading our couples survival tips during COVID-19. We’re here for you and it makes sense for you to reach out to one of our capable, compassionate, and wonderful therapists. A professional therapist at Family First Therapy can help you work towards your therapy needs and goals.


-Steve Weinman


Please let us know if you have any questions. We’d love to help you




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