Intensive Couples Therapy

Intensive Couples Therapy or Marathon therapy, is a condensed and powerful way for many couples to come together. Like all of our services at Family First Therapy, we view marathon therapy as a way for you to invest in or boost  your relationship.

Whether you have a solid relationship and want a check-up, or are looking for significant change, we’ve got you covered. Intensive Couples Therapy sessions are based on your needs, and are 1-3 days or 6-18 hours of therapy.

Benefits of Intensive Couples Therapy

  • Progress may come more quickly.
  • You won’t run out of time as quickly as you do in a regular 45-minute couples therapy session.
  • It’s a great way to prepare for marriage and start off on the right foot if you’re engaged or newly married.
  • If you’re in extreme distress it can cost a lot less than divorce. $1,680+ for marathon therapy compared to at least $14,000 for an average divorce (

Consider intensive therapy if you…

  • Have a busy schedule that doesn’t allow you to come to therapy on a regular basis
  • Live far away, would be traveling a good distance, or will be in the area
  • Are looking for something clinical and practical
  • Are interested in pre-marital counseling
  • Experience extreme stress in your relationship and want quicker results
  • Have tried self-help books, different therapists, or other options and are still looking for answers

DO Not try intensive couples therapy…

  • If there is active alcohol and/or drug addiction on the part of either or both partners
  • If there is serious violence in your relationship, threats by one or both partners that serious violence might occur, or fear of such serious violence on the part of one or both partners
  • If either partner currently has an untreated major mental illness. (Does not include past successfully treated illnesses).
  • If there is an undisclosed or secretive affair currently going on that you are unwilling to disclose.

Instead, please call Steve to ask what services would be appropriate

What Is The Process For Intensive Couples Therapy?

Step 1: Preparation

Before you even walk in the door you’ll have already made progress. You’ll both get an online questionnaire that may take 90 minutes to fill out about your views on the relationship.

The nice thing is that because it’s electronic you can either fill it all at once or save as you go. Keep in mind all of your answers are private and your partner will not see them.

You fill them out, I run them through specialized software, and come out on the other side with significant information for our work together.

Step 2: The Interviews

The first 90 minutes we see each other will be all three of us in the room together. That’s when I’ll gain further information from both of you about your goals, the issues, and your story.

The next 90 minutes are one-on-one interviews with each partner to dive deeper with both partners. I find that people like this part in order to share their side of things and their story.

Step 3: The Analysis.

Enjoy an hour lunch-break as a couple. By this time we’ll have gone through a lot, and you deserve to spend time with your partner to unwind and recharge for the next step.

As you enjoy lunch, I’ll be analyzing all of the data I’ve just collected from your online questionnaires, couple interview, and individual interviews to create your custom and personalized treatment plan.

Step 4: The Road Map.

After lunch we’ll spend about 30 minutes going over the treatment plan created for your relationship. This will serve as a road map for not only the areas we need to work on, but how we’re going to do that.

Of course, this is your relationship and a collaborative process so you’ll be able to add or change things to make sure we’re fulfilling all of your needs.

Step 5: The Tools & Strategies.

After we have your treatment plan in place, we’re spending the next 2.5-16.5 hours (depending on the plan you choose) diving into the issues and conversations that we need to.

We’re addressing key issues, learning new tools and strategies, and setting you up for on-going success at home.

Step 6: The Check-Ups.

Like your car, your health, or anything you want to take care of, maintenance is key. At the end of any marathon, you as a couple, and I, will have a great sense of what you’ll need moving forward.

Whether that’s any need for follow-ups, extra support, or checking-in down the road. 

Intensive Therapy, The Plans

1-Day Marathon Therapy

Best suited for couples that are looking for preventative measures, have solid relationships with some minor issues, or are interested in premarital counseling.

2-Day or 3-Day Marathon Therapy

Best suited for couples that are looking for a relationship-changing process, experiencing extreme stress in your relationship, feel like you’re in a deep hole, or are looking for quick relationship relief.

Intensive Couples Therapy Pricing

Steve Weinmann, LMFT-S

Session Availability

Friday – Saturday

1-Day Marathon Therapy

$1,680 (Fr.)

2-Day Marathon Therapy

$3,360 (Fr.-Sa.)

3-Day Marathon Therapy

$5,040 (Th.-Sa.)

Cassandre Miller, LMFT

Session Availability

Friday – Saturday

1-Day Marathon Therapy

$1,680 (Fr.)

2-Day Marathon Therapy

$3,360 (Fr.-Sa.)

3-Day Marathon Therapy

$5,040 (Th.-Sa.)

The Next Step To Start Your Intensive Couples Therapy

Steve and Cassandre would love to help you and your partner. If you’re interested in scheduling Intensive Couples Therapy for you and your partner or have more questions, it’s as easy as filling out the form below. Either way, once we receive your form you can be sure we’ll reach out.