For Individuals, Couples, Families, Parents, Autism, ADHD, & School Stress.
Columbia Counseling Services
I’m Steve Weinman and on behalf of our team, welcome to Family First Therapy. We provide counseling in South Carolina as a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as Associate Professional Counselors. We’re passionate about providing valuable, confidential, and respectful counseling services and care to all of our clients.
Please take a journey through our website and along the way you’ll find information about who we are and how we can genuinely help you. Our Blog and Resources We Love are great sources of information and a good way to gain insight into our style, philosophy, professional background, and approach.
We Are Trusted On

#1 Online Therapy Practice In Columbia, SC
Counseling with Quality, Comfort & Convenience
We understand that in-office visits for therapy have become more time consuming and difficult to fit in today’s fast paced and busy world. That’s why other than our marathon sessions, all of our sessions are online. From the privacy and comfort of your own home you’ll be able to enjoy the valuable & caring counseling services with our therapists via video sessions.
Benefits to online therapy
We understand that people might have concerns about meeting virtually or online for therapy because they’re not sure if they’ll get the same “thing,” as being at the office. Rest assured, the beauty of online therapy is you’re still working with a local and highly qualified therapist through easy to use technology. You’re working with someone who is going to make you feel heard, understood, validated, challenged when needed, and invested in helping you reach your goals.
Fits a modern lifestyle (convenience)
Instead of worrying about commuting, travel time to and from appointments, taking time off of work, etc. you can just hop on your laptop or phone wherever you have a strong connection.
Reduces anxiety associated with therapy
Instead of sitting in a waiting room with other people and being in a new & unfamiliar place, you can meet from the comfort of your own space or choose a space for online therapy that makes you feel comfortable like outside in nature while walking.
Works from wherever you are
Instead of having to be dependent on meeting where your therapist is, you can meet from wherever you are. Whether it’s easier to stay home because of a disability, have chosen to live the quiet life and live far from an office, traveling for work or more, you can still meet with your therapist.
Consistency, it’s key
Instead of having to cancel therapy because of a lack of childcare, travel, called into work, etc. It’s easier to make the time to just hop on your laptop or phone for therapy than coming to the office with all of that going on.
At office therapy vs. online therapy
Office Therapy

Online Therapy

Genuinely therapeutic process
The Next Step
If you’re looking to start finding those solutions and changes with online therapy, getting started has never been more easy and convenient. Use our user-friendly online booking to find a time that works for you.
Still have questions? That’s okay too! Whether you want to know the benefits of private pay, if your policy will cover my services, when appointment times are, or even what to expect from your visits, please visit our FAQ page.