My Specialties: Couples & Marriage Counseling, Grief & Loss, Identity Based Therapy, Individual Therapy
Hi, I’m Drew Nelson and I am a graduate student at Touro University’s (California) Edith Neumann School of Health and Human Services where I am completing a degree program in Marriage and Family Therapy with Emphasis in Licensed Professional Clinical Counseling.
I am a Georgia native from metro Atlanta where I completed a Bachelor of Arts program in Psychology as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a concentration in Sexual Identity at Georgia State University. I am so excited to join this platform where I will have the opportunity to positively impact people’s lives in therapy with this amazing team of accomplished therapists and counselors!
When working with couples, I place a high emphasis on Imago Relationship Therapy or the “unconscious image of similar love” with a strong focus on empathy in marriages and partnerships. I love working with individuals as well and when I do, I prefer to use an approach of Narrative Therapy where I am the partner and the client is in the driver’s seat!
When not working, I place a great deal of energy into self-improvement. Full disclosure, I used to be obese class 1 for a decent length of my life and I decided that I wanted to take my life in a different direction. I have strong empathy for the struggles of weight management and athletic performance pressure. For the past 15 years, I have been working as a business leader in corporate America and am quite familiar with the pressures that go with competitive career management that affect so many other parts of life. I love working with sexual minority clients as well as heterosexual clients and provide an inclusive approach!
I am excited to report that I have completed certification for Grief & Loss and now have a thorough understanding of the many different kinds of loss as well as the various ways to assess and treat the grief associated with such losses. If you have had any loss, no matter how severe or how seemingly insignificant, I am here to help in the healing and welcome those clients.


drew update
My Specialties: Couples & Marriage Counseling, Grief & Loss, Identity Based Therapy, Individual Therapy
Hi, I’m Drew Nelson and I am a graduate student at Touro University’s (California) Edith Neumann School of Health and Human Services where I am completing a degree program in Marriage and Family Therapy with Emphasis in Licensed Professional Clinical Counseling.
I am a Georgia native from metro Atlanta where I completed a Bachelor of Arts program in Psychology as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a concentration in Sexual Identity at Georgia State University. I am so excited to join this platform where I will have the opportunity to positively impact people’s lives in therapy with this amazing team of accomplished therapists and counselors!
When working with couples, I place a high emphasis on Imago Relationship Therapy or the “unconscious image of similar love” with a strong focus on empathy in marriages and partnerships. I love working with individuals as well and when I do, I prefer to use an approach of Narrative Therapy where I am the partner and the client is in the driver’s seat!
When not working, I place a great deal of energy into self-improvement. Full disclosure, I used to be obese class 1 for a decent length of my life and I decided that I wanted to take my life in a different direction. I have strong empathy for the struggles of weight management and athletic performance pressure. For the past 15 years, I have been working as a business leader in corporate America and am quite familiar with the pressures that go with competitive career management that affect so many other parts of life. I love working with sexual minority clients as well as heterosexual clients and provide an inclusive approach!
I am excited to report that I have completed certification for Grief & Loss and now have a thorough understanding of the many different kinds of loss as well as the various ways to assess and treat the grief associated with such losses. If you have had any loss, no matter how severe or how seemingly insignificant, I am here to help in the healing and welcome those clients.
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