Growth Through Change & Transitions

Transitions and life changes can be a stressful and exciting time. Believe me, I know. In just a few months I moved to a new state and opened up a business. What I’ve learned during that time is that through challenges, if you manage your stress in a healthy and positive way you can decrease that sense you have of feeling overwhelmed and blossom into your next phase of life. Here are four things to consider when going through transitions and life changes.

1.     List it! List what you need to do that day. Before going to sleep, list what you need to do tomorrow.  Create a list of people that can help you and what they can help with. Lists can help de-clutter and organize everything bouncing around in your head and what you’re thinking about. It also gives you an avenue for progress. When you create a list, you then are able to check things off as you do them. Every time you do this, you’ll see your daily progress for successfully achieving or overcoming whatever your transition or change is.

2.     Create & maintain simple routines. Having a routine in the morning and night helps to give you a boost to start the day and peace of mind at bedtime. When you have that ritual and routine in the beginning of the day, you’re signaling to the world and yourself that you’re ready and going to get something done that day. Without it, we often say to ourselves, “Ugh, what do I have to do again today?” The benefits of a nighttime routine can be getting your mind and body ready for bed, feeling relaxed and being refreshed the following morning. If it was a good day, keep the momentum going, BUT if it was a bad day you have the chance to start anew.

3.     Communicate with someone. During these times of our lives, it is important to communicate with your support network. Have someone to share all the positives about your transition/change to highlight what is happening in your life. On the other hand, it can help to have someone to be a sounding board for any challenges that have come with such a change.

4.     Reach out to me. It helps to have someone to talk to during life changes and transitions. Most people have found it beneficial to talk with a professional because it isn’t someone who’s a part of their daily life. A therapist, like myself, is non-judgmental and someone that is entirely devoted to you getting better.

We all have transitions and life changes. Some changes are positive like a new job, buying our first home, or getting married. Others present challenges like losing a loved one or getting divorced/breaking up. Regardless of the situation, I hope you find my four thoughts above beneficial.  If you have thoughts or comments regarding your situation specifically, please feel free to reach out to me and share them with me.


Let’s continue the conversation if the above makes sense to you. Please let me know if you have any questions. I’d love to help you!




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